Casey and Chris

My photo
Midway, Utah, United States
Casey and Chris were married August 28, 2010 after dating for four years. We live in Midway with our two sons Cael and Colt and our dog Reece. We both work in the valley; Casey for Burton Lumber and Chris works from home for Millstream Properties. Casey enjoys hunting and anything outdoors. Chris spends her time scrapbooking, sewing, cooking, and doing anything crafty.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Nadine Giles Price

Casey's Grandma "Deanie" passed away this week in her home. She was a very sweet lady and we will really miss her. Casey's grandpa died about eight years ago and we are so thankful for the Plan of Salvation and that they can be together again. Her dad was killed in an accident when she was six weeks old. A drunk driver hit him riding his horse and killed him. Nadine was the youngest of 9 children, it was during the Great Depression and even though family members offered to take some of the kids and raise them, Nadine's mother fought to keep them together. I can't help but think how neat it is for her to be reunited with her father that she never knew on earth. She was very neat lady and I'm happy to have known her. 

The funeral service was so nice. I loved listening to the speakers and all their great stories and tributes to her life. The great grandkids got up and sang a medley of songs. Cael went up and it was so cute. I was so proud of him. All the kids were on one side of the podium and little Cael and Ava were standing on the opposite side just happy to be up there and their older cousin Jodi went and grabbed them and put them in front of the group. Their little smiling faces were poking over the top of the stage railing. He knows the words to the songs but he just sat there and smiled. Proud mom moment. He loves music and I can't wait until he is in Primary to sing in the program.

We had both boys at the viewing Friday night and they got to bed late. We took both boys to the viewing Saturday morning but Colt was so tired and ornery that Grandma Wade took him home and put him down for a nap during the funeral and burial. He slept a good 3 hours. He was worn out.  

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Colt 12 months

I had pictures taken for Colt's 1st birthday. I did a Disney Pixar UP theme for his birthday. They turned out so dang cute. Love them!

At his one year check up a couple days after his birthday he weighed 20 lbs 9 oz (36%), his height was 29 inches (16%), and his head was 18.5 inches (75%). 

He started walking about 2 weeks after his birthday. He loves walking. He walks more than he crawls now and he just squeals and giggles and walks all over. He is such a happy little guy. He can give the funniest dirty looks at people though. He will lower his eyebrows and glare. It is pretty funny. 

He says mom, dad, hello, hi, and bye

He loves Cael. He follows him all over the house. He is starting to get a little dramatic when Cael takes toys away from him. He will cry and bury his face in the floor like it is the end of the world. 

Colt sleeps from about 8 at night to 7 in the morning and takes two 2 hour naps. He refuses to sleep in his car seat. Even if I have been hauling him around all day, which is very rare, he never falls asleep in the car. 

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Colt's First Birthday

We had a small party for Colt on his birthday. We didn't decorate or anything, just had some cousins over for cake and ice cream and he opened a few presents. Cael thought it was his party and the toys are his.