Casey and Chris

My photo
Midway, Utah, United States
Casey and Chris were married August 28, 2010 after dating for four years. We live in Midway with our two sons Cael and Colt and our dog Reece. We both work in the valley; Casey for Burton Lumber and Chris works from home for Millstream Properties. Casey enjoys hunting and anything outdoors. Chris spends her time scrapbooking, sewing, cooking, and doing anything crafty.

Friday, April 10, 2015

April 2015

These two are getting to be inseparable and mischievous. 

They are both total daddy's boys

They are loving the gator and being outside. 

Colt has a hard time making it through church. He hardly ever falls asleep at church, he just gets really ornery and unbearable. 

And honestly, they get locked out of the office sometimes so that I can get some work done and then smarty pants likes to pretend he is Humpty Dumpty.

Spring Hunting and Fishing

Casey hasn't had time to do too much hiking this year but the boys are getting some exposure to the madness. 

2015 Cows

Our baby cows are coming and they are so cute. We had 31 cows and 2 bulls at the beginning of winter. We found one cow dead upside down in the creek and another lame cow that wasn't improving and aborted her calf we sent to the butcher. So now we have 29 cows, 2 bulls, and so far we have 20 new calves. Cael loves seeing the babies. We hope they continue to do well.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Easter Day

Easter morning we woke up with gifts and eggs scattered and hidden all over our living room. Cael runs out first thing and finds the cute baby chick and can only focus on it for the next 10 minutes. Colts runs out and first thing starts breaking eggs open and stuffing his face with candy. They are so funny. They got a couple toys, church clothes, Pajamas, they each got a book and some candy. 

We went to Jay and Becky's house for lunch and they had another Easter egg hunt. They got a whole loot of fun stuff- coloring books, reading books, stickers, puzzles, candy. Grandma Wade got them each a sand bucket and sand toys for their new sandbox that we hope to be putting in our back yard in the next few weeks. 

Cael got some new nerf guns

"Colt" got a Mr. Potato head and family

oh yes and Colt had his eyes glued shut with his sucker after
 he waved it around and got everyone else sticky.